Thursday, March 8, 2012


This little guy is my first "graduate" of watch me grow! He was also one of my first newborn sessions that wasn't family. What a brave Mama he must have! I wanted to do a little preview of what he looked like when he was born on up so I dug out the pictures from archives......Man have I grown in this art in the last year! I am reminded constantly how God orchestrated this job and I fell into it! Praise God for his hand in it all! Some day I will show you all pictures from my first "shoot" and from my first "real job" but not today.
Today is about Luke! He is turning 1!!!!
This little guy is always so happy! I always look forward to having him come see me, They drive all the way to North Platte just for me!

He has an M&M theme going on in all his sessions.

Luke at 1 month

Luke at 6 months

Luke at 9 months

Luke 1 year!

Wish I would have had this vision sooner....

Ok enough blast from the past.....her are some more from his session!

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