Monday, July 16, 2012

So Proud!

My Mother is a B-E-A-U-T-I-F-U-L woman! She has been  through more heart ache and pain in her life then most. After a tragic accident she was left with a 6 week old and 1 1/2 year old to raise on her own. She has been through cancer and so much more! She is STRONG, she is HUMBLE, she has a desire to ENCOURAGE others through what God has taught her. So today she is launching her very own blog!!!! I completely understand the vulnerability of putting yourself out of the world wide web for all to see. It's scary to open yourself up to ridicule. But there are blessing to being open and transparent.
I had the joy of taking pictures of her for the blog. I hope you enjoy them. And go to her page and start following her and be ready to be encouraged!

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