Wednesday, April 25, 2012


Have I ever said how much I LOVE BABIES!!!!! AAAHHHHH!!!! They are so sweet and tender. I love the feeling when taking their pictures and talking to them and comforting them! This sweet babies mama is very similar to me. She would be completely happy with a family like the Dugger's....the more the merrier! :-) This precious girl is number 4 in the line up. She is just perfect! And her brother and sisters were dolls too! I hope you enjoy these images as much as I did. Don't feel bad shedding a tear or two. I have just excepted it as part of the process of editing!

Doesn't this picture just make you smile!?

This one is my favorite. It needs to be printed at lest 16x20 on my none existent studio wall!

This just made me laugh because it was totally what miss Hailey did most of the pictures:-)

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1 comment:

  1. these are my neices and nephew and wow what great pics Amy! They are adorable and oh doesnt Hailee make u laugh!
