Tuesday, April 24, 2012

Yeah for Second Chances!!!

Back in the fall/winter I attempted to take this little girls pictures.....There was ice, rain, wind and a very not having it 3 year old. It was really my first shoot of 0 good pictures I felt like the worst photographer that I couldn't make this girl like me or my camera. I marked it up as "I'll never see them again" and moved on. Well, they called me this spring to try for her 4  year pictures! I was shocked that they wanted ME to try again. This time I brought bribes and "Cool" props to see if I could bribe her to get in front of my camera.

Well, come to find out we didn't need any of it. She had great smiles and even put on a dress for me! I am quite pleased with the images we got.

If you would like to see more images from this shoot go to my facebook page. Click HERE
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